Good copywriting isn’t just an astute use of language.
It’s also the architecture of ideas.
At Cannondale, I was asked to come up with a name for one of its new frame materials. I instead developed a new nomenclature schematic for all of its frame materials. Shortly after, I was put in charge of naming or renaming all products, technologies, and innovations.
AI integration
PON Holdings surveyed its 30+ brands for ideas on how to integrate AI into its operations. Out of over 50 proposals, my concept for using an LLM (large language model, like ChatGPT) to generate complex product descriptions was among three chosen for development. I became project lead with a team of five, and was asked to present our ongoing work at the MOVE AI conference in Amsterdam.
Cannondale hadn’t genuinely developed, implemented, or even considered their use of language design in the brand’s entire 50-year history. As their first-ever full-time copywriter, I created their first comprehensive copywriting guidelines, to be administered globally.
The friday teaser
Signature Cycles, in New York City, sold some of the finest bikes in the world, but was light on visual marketing. I used the company’s in-house photo studio and social media channels to share “The Friday Teaser” – a single image of one element of a bike we’d be featuring the following week. It steadily and reliably created intrigue, conversation, and inquiries.